
Tree Planting

Planting trees offers many benefits to your home and community:

Increase your property value
• Strengthen soil and reduce erosion
• Insulate, reducing heating and cooling bills
• Improve air quality and reduce pollution

The first step towards having a healthy tree is a tree that was planted right! Our team of skilled arborists can help every step of the way from tree selection, to planting, to providing tree care and maintenance advice.

Our team of certified arborists begin by surveying your yard to identify planting locations and suggest species that will thrive. We will work with you to ensure the species, placement, and growth patterns of the selected tree meet your landscaping wants and needs.

We make sure the tree is planted right by removing all casings and freeing the roots, ensuring that the tree can establish itself in your soil. Our team will also provide you with our recommended care and maintenance instructions.

Tanager Tree Service is partnered with the City of Boise to help plant 100,000 trees by 2030. Contact us to find out more about your free tree from the city today!